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Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer for North American Missions March 3-10

We are living on the mission field in North America. The nations continue to come here in search of a better life. At the same time, religious faith is decreasing among our population. The faithful prayers and generous giving... Continue Reading »

New ‘Equipping Pastors’ podcast features Tony Dungy, James Brown on first episode

Since Ken Whitten joined the staff of the North American Mission Board in 2023 to serve as national director of pastoral leadership, he has been connecting with pastors and creating resources. Now he has launched the “Equipping Pastors” podcast.... Continue Reading »

Lifeway campers give more than $580,000 to IMB, NAMB for gospel impact

This summer, as thousands of kids, students and chaperones at Lifeway camps developed a greater understanding of missions and a heart for missionaries, they gave generously, entrusting their gifts for Great Commission purposes. As a result of this generosity,... Continue Reading »

New NAMB evangelism kit to help pastors create culture of evangelism

The evangelism team at the North American Mission Board has announced the development of a new resource designed to help pastors create a culture of evangelism. “This new kit is designed to assist pastors and ministry leaders in creating... Continue Reading »

Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong offerings reach historic highs

  Both mission boards of the Southern Baptist Convention are reporting all-time highs in offering giving. The International Mission Board is rejoicing at God’s work through the generosity of Southern Baptists, who gave $203.7 million to the 2021-2022 Lottie... Continue Reading »

Annie Offering tops $66 million for new record high

After a pandemic-influenced decline in 2020, Southern Baptists rallied to give $66.5 million to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering in 2021, the highest amount ever given to the offering that supports missions in North America. North American Mission Board... Continue Reading »

Annie Armstrong Offering surpasses cumulative $2 billion

Southern Baptist sacrifice and generosity has pushed cumulative giving to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions past the $2 billion mark. The milestone was announced by North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell as he... Continue Reading »

IMB, NAMB celebrate 175 years of helping Baptists pursue the Great Commission

When 327 delegates met at First Baptist Church in Augusta, Ga., on May 8, 1845, they did more than start a new convention of Baptist churches in the South. They began a missionary movement that would, in time, start... Continue Reading »

Rebuilding Communities, Planting the Gospel in Puerto Rico

When Jorge Santiago left Puerto Rico as a young man, he never thought he would return. His family sent him to the U.S. mainland in a last-ditch effort to shake him loose from a lifestyle of doing and dealing... Continue Reading »