The Baptist Courier



Southern Baptist Convention

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‘Going Beyond Live’ Draws Largest Post-pandemic Crowd

Around 5,600 women gathered from churches across the United States for Going Beyond Live, the largest live event Lifeway has hosted since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The event and simulcast on Aug. 24, featuring Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer... Continue Reading »

Disaster Relief Volunteers Preparing for Active Hurricane Season

Hurricane Beryl made landfall July 8 near Matagorda, Texas, as a Category 1 hurricane with 80 mph winds after wreaking havoc in the Caribbean as a Category 5 storm, where it claimed the lives of at least 12 people.... Continue Reading »

First Person: A Convention of Complementarian Churches

Over the past two years, I’ve said very little in public about the so-called Law Amendment. As recording secretary, I’m an officer of the Southern Baptist Convention who is eligible for perpetual election. If elected, I’ll serve Southern Baptists... Continue Reading »

Smith resigns from ERLC board, issues apology

Southern Baptist pastor Kevin Smith announced Tuesday morning, July 23, that he has resigned as chairman and from the board of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. Smith’s resignation comes on the heels of a turbulent 24 hours for... Continue Reading »

Annual meeting parking lot encounter brings food, clothes, payday to migrant

The man asked Daren Belardo for some cash. He received much more than that. A member of Lifepointe Church in Sedalia, Mo., supply pastor and Missouri state trooper, Belardo was attending his first SBC Annual Meeting at the invitation... Continue Reading »

Leatherwood to remain ERLC president

Brent Leatherwood remains president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. ERLC executive board members say board Chairman Kevin Smith acted alone in an announcement of Leatherwood’s removal on July 22 and violated the entity’s bylaws. A early morning... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: We Must Send the Gospel

Once again, the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention has come and gone. There was a lot of hype leading up to the convention regarding the Law Amendment, the future of sexual abuse reform, the Credentials Committee’s recommendations... Continue Reading »

Striking the Waters: Reflections on the SBC 2024

On Monday, June 10, 2024, about 350 SCBaptists gathered in an Indiana hotel conference room to fellowship, encourage one another, and be reminded of why we do what we do. The SCBaptist spirit of cooperation was rich and powerful.... Continue Reading »

Pressler, disgraced Conservative Resurgence strategist, dies

Paul Pressler, the Texas judge whose grassroots strategy redirected the Southern Baptist Convention, died June 7, 2024, in Houston, Texas, three days after his 94th birthday and less than six months after the settlement of a lawsuit alleging decades-long... Continue Reading »

Mission:Dignity Sunday Set for June 23: Support Widows in Need

In the New Testament, we find these words: “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” (James 1:27 CSB). On June 23, Southern Baptists will again have... Continue Reading »

SBC messengers screen new Kendrick brothers film ‘The Forge’

Before “The Forge” debuts in theaters across the country on Aug. 23, Alex and Stephen Kendrick gave audiences at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting an early screening of their latest film. In two different screenings sponsored by Lifeway... Continue Reading »

Cooperative Program worthy of celebration, SCBC’s Wolfe says in CP Stage appearance

In anticipation of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Cooperative Program in 2025, Baptist Press editor Brandon Porter interviewed Tony Wolfe, executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, on the CP Stage in the Southern Baptist Convention Exhibit... Continue Reading »