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President’s Perspective: We Must Send the Gospel

Once again, the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention has come and gone. There was a lot of hype leading up to the convention regarding the Law Amendment, the future of sexual abuse reform, the Credentials Committee’s recommendations... Continue Reading »

Striking the Waters: Reflections on the SBC 2024

On Monday, June 10, 2024, about 350 SCBaptists gathered in an Indiana hotel conference room to fellowship, encourage one another, and be reminded of why we do what we do. The SCBaptist spirit of cooperation was rich and powerful.... Continue Reading »

Pressler, disgraced Conservative Resurgence strategist, dies

Paul Pressler, the Texas judge whose grassroots strategy redirected the Southern Baptist Convention, died June 7, 2024, in Houston, Texas, three days after his 94th birthday and less than six months after the settlement of a lawsuit alleging decades-long... Continue Reading »

Mission:Dignity Sunday Set for June 23: Support Widows in Need

In the New Testament, we find these words: “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” (James 1:27 CSB). On June 23, Southern Baptists will again have... Continue Reading »

SBC messengers screen new Kendrick brothers film ‘The Forge’

Before “The Forge” debuts in theaters across the country on Aug. 23, Alex and Stephen Kendrick gave audiences at the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting an early screening of their latest film. In two different screenings sponsored by Lifeway... Continue Reading »

Cooperative Program worthy of celebration, SCBC’s Wolfe says in CP Stage appearance

In anticipation of the 100th anniversary celebration of the Cooperative Program in 2025, Baptist Press editor Brandon Porter interviewed Tony Wolfe, executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, on the CP Stage in the Southern Baptist Convention Exhibit... Continue Reading »

Law Amendment fails, N.C. pastor elected president in Indy

A constitutional amendment to restrict churches affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention to those affirming and employing only men as pastors failed to receive the required two-thirds approval of messengers in Indianapolis. The 10,946 registered messengers to the SBC... Continue Reading »

IVF resolution is SBC’s ‘first step’ in reproductive technology discussion

SBC messengers spoke to in vitro fertilization (IVF) for the first time June 12, adopting a resolution on the topic after a sometimes-emotional floor discussion that featured messengers sharing their personal experiences with reproductive technologies. Over a series of... Continue Reading »

Messengers choose Tony Wolfe to preach the 2025 SBC convention sermon

Tony Wolfe, executive director-treasurer of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, was chosen June 12 to preach the convention sermon at the 2025 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Dallas. Messengers to the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis approved... Continue Reading »

Law Amendment falls short in Indy

Southern Baptist messengers voted down the required second two-thirds approval for what has become known as the Law Amendment on Wednesday morning. With 8,298 messengers voting, the 5,099 ballots to pass the amendment reflected 61.45 percent approval, falling short... Continue Reading »

FBC Alexandria ‘no longer in friendly cooperation’ with SBC

The SBC voted June 11 to discontinue its cooperative relationship with a Virginia church that has a female associate pastor. The church has ordained at least three women as pastors over more than four decades and told the SBC... Continue Reading »

Messengers refer sexual abuse reform priorities to Executive Committee

On Tuesday afternoon, June 11, messengers to the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis overwhelmingly approved two recommendations brought forward by the SBC Abuse Reform and Implementation Task Force (ARITF). The recommendations hand the priorities identified by ARITF over... Continue Reading »