The Baptist Courier



Wholly Healthy

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Wholly Healthy: What Does Hospice Care Mean?

Recently, I encouraged a dear great aunt to go into a hospice program. Like so many seniors, she lives alone, is adamant that she wants to do so, and has caregivers who come to help. Her will is strong,... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Shocking Truth — The World is Not Overpopulated

Here’s a shocking tidbit that doesn’t get much news coverage: The world is not overpopulated. In fact, it is steadily and rapidly becoming underpopulated. In fact, the U.S. population is just barely at maintenance (that is, each adult replaces... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Avoiding Violence

Over the years, I have treated many individuals who had been involved in violence. Most had violence inflicted upon them. But it was not uncommon for me to meet the alleged perpetrators, who sat on the ER stretcher in... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Healthcare Prayer List

Our church has initiated a new plan for prayer. We will have an unofficial schedule during which we are advised to pray wherever we are three times daily. I like this idea. It seems an appropriate discipline in a... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes, like so many diseases, is a complex disorder. When it comes to what we usually call type 1, or insulin dependent diabetes, we really aren’t sure how it begins. Some researchers believe it is genetic, others believe it... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: What Should You Check Every Day?

I just saw a patient who had elevated blood pressure. He had a history of this and took appropriate medication. He had no symptoms or complaints, except that the number was up more than normal. His wife informed me,... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Minor Wounds Can Be Big Problems

I’ve seen a lot of wounds over the course of my medical career — some of them from car crashes, others from assaults. Many of them have been work-related injuries or resulted from the use of tools around the... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

I just saw a post on social media that proclaimed, “An ectopic pregnancy is not a real pregnancy.” This was, of course, in response to legal questions in the wake of Roe v. Wade. It was also wrong and... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Becoming a Doctor

July is upon us, and it’s a big month in the world of medicine. July 1 is traditionally the day that medical school graduates start their residency training. It’s a time of anxiety for those physicians and also can... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Update Tetanus Immunization

Spring is upon us, and there’s work to be done. I’ve already been cutting back the overgrown Mountain Laurel on our drive, and my wife has taken her beloved riding lawnmower for its inaugural spin. Both activities, and many... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Taking Blood Thinners

Some of the most challenging medical problems we face have to do with the formation of blood clots. For instance, clots can create heart attacks and can cause lack of blood flow to the extremities, resulting in loss of... Continue Reading »

Wholly Healthy: Hospital Limitations

These are complicated times in medicine. One of the most tangible and frustrating outcomes of the COVID era has been that large hospitals are full to capacity. This is partly because of those infected with coronavirus. However, it’s a... Continue Reading »