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2024 Bylaws Committee Report

The Bylaws Committee presents amendments to the Bylaws, Part I, as a first reading in 2024. A vote to incorporate these amendments will be taken at the annual meeting in 2025. The changes update the term ‘affiliated’ to ‘in... Continue Reading »

2024 SCBC Nominations Committee Report

Each year, the South Carolina Baptist Convention Nominations Committee of the SCBaptist Convention is comprised of two members from each of the 12 geographic regions. The work of this team is invaluable for the process of ascertaining knowledgeable people... Continue Reading »

2024 SCBC Committee on Committees, Nominations Committee, and Bylaws Reports

The role of the South Carolina Baptist Convention’s Committee on Committees is to recommend the members of all the other committees. This committee serves to involve more people in the important work of filling vital roles in our cooperative... Continue Reading »

SCBaptists Serve Together After Helene

As effects of Hurricane Helene continue to be felt across South Carolina, many SCBaptists have rolled up their sleeves to help their communities recover, including students from colleges across the Midlands. “I helped out because I felt like it... Continue Reading »

Camp McCall Suffers Extensive Damage from Helene

Camp McCall has suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Helene including trees down, building damage, and at least one cabin has been destroyed. Lake Chillywater has risen eight feet above lake level and power lines were obliterated. All communication, phone... Continue Reading »

Copeland to serve as SCBaptist consultant for sexual abuse prevention

Chelsea Copeland began duties as Sexual Abuse Prevention and Survivor Care consultant with the South Carolina Baptist Convention June 1. The position was developed at the request of messengers to the 2022 SCBC Annual Meeting. Copeland, a resident of... Continue Reading »

A Journey of Foster Care, Faith, and God’s Strength

Viewpoint by David and Katie Bennett When people ask how our foster care journey is going, we usually want to respond with, “How much time do you have?” It’s great, frustrating, all-consuming, exhausting, and fulfilling. It’s all of these... Continue Reading »

Several SCBaptist pastors took part in the IMB’s first-ever Senders Summit

For Andy Roberson, executive pastor at South Main Baptist Church in Greenwood, S.C., the International Mission Board event offered the opportunity to help cultivate a culture of sending at his church. “We don’t have a sending issue; we have... Continue Reading »

SCBaptist Unveils Historic 10×10 Plan

On Dec. 7, 2023, the Executive Board of the South Carolina Baptist Convention voted unanimously and enthusiastically to release $10 million in unrestricted cash assets into the mission and ministry model of the convention over a 10-year period. The... Continue Reading »

2023 SCBC Resolutions

APPRECIATION WHEREAS the messengers of the 2023 annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention have once again enjoyed the generosity of the staff and members of Shandon Baptist Church; and WHEREAS Hebrews 12:28 says, “Therefore let us be... Continue Reading »

Seven South Carolinians recognized for disaster relief efforts

Three unit leaders, a group of sisters, and a missions strategist have received awards this year for their volunteer service through South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief. Wayne Dutton of Springdale Baptist Church in Lancaster received the “Buck” Buckner Memorial... Continue Reading »

Across continents and borders, college students spent summer sharing gospel

The South Carolina Baptist Convention’s family of ministries mobilized 347 students this summer alone through the Palmetto Collective, BCMGO, and SCBC summer camps – Camp La Vida, Camp McCall, SummerSalt, and KidSalt. Serving at Camp Camp La Vida, an... Continue Reading »