Legislative Update: Should Christians Be Involved in Politics?

I am guessing that the moment you read the title of this column, you immediately responded with a rousing yes or no. The thought of politics lights a fire in some, while causing others to turn a cold shoulder. No doubt you have heard that politics and religion do not mix. James Madison put it […]

Outside the Walls: The Star of the Show

I had a lead role in the movie “Radio.” I don’t like to brag about it much, but it was kind of a big deal. The movie was a true story about a high school coach who befriended a man with special needs who helped the team for decades. I had the important part of […]

President’s Perspective: A Preview of SCBC Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention is nearly here. The convention sessions have been meticulously planned by multiple people, with the expertise of our convention staff pulling it all together. We will emphasize international missions in a notably immersive and linear format. The convention’s creative team is outdoing themselves in preparing […]

Striking the Waters: An SCBaptist Thanksgiving Song (Psalm 136)

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” Psalm 136 is one of my favorites this time of year. With 26 occurrences, the refrain may seem repetitive to some, but to me it’s a solemn reminder of God’s interminable, faithful love for me and all His people: “His faithful love endures forever.” Verses 1-3 […]

New and Noteworthy Books: November 2023

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age (Crossway) by Rosaria Butterfield Modern culture is increasingly outspoken against a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Even some Christians, swayed by the LGBTQ+ movement, have rejected God’s Word on issues of sexuality and gender in favor of popular opinion. In light of these pressures, […]

What disasters preach: ‘Repent or you shall likewise perish’

My second Sunday as a full-time pastor came five days after the worst tornado outbreak in American history afflicted our city and its surrounding region. I preached from Job 1–2, and we put the sermon title on our marquee: “Where Was God?” Attendance that Sunday doubled and a couple of media members, intrigued by the […]

Grace and Truth: God’s Alibi

It’s a question every Christian who has ever lived has asked: “I’m a follower of Christ, yet I’m going through some terrible adversity. Where is God?” Fundamentally, that question lurks behind the cover story for this issue of The Courier, what I like to call “uncomfortable grace” (a term borrowed from Paul David Tripp). What […]

Wholly Healthy: Avoiding Violence

Over the years, I have treated many individuals who had been involved in violence. Most had violence inflicted upon them. But it was not uncommon for me to meet the alleged perpetrators, who sat on the ER stretcher in handcuffs. Unfortunately, in these contentious times violence is not rare. It’s probably good to think about […]

Outside the Walls: Be Concerned

“Pastor, can I talk to you a minute about some concerns I have?” There is not a pastor in the state who ever answers that question honestly. What they want to say is, “No. The last thing I want to talk about after a pretty good Sunday is a trivial complaint that has nothing to […]