Courier Publishing
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These are complicated times in medicine. One of the most tangible and frustrating outcomes of the COVID era has been that large hospitals are full to capacity. This is partly because of those infected with coronavirus. However, it’s a... Continue Reading »
When we think about healthcare and hospitals, most people conjure up images of physicians in surgery, or of nurses in scrubs, moving quickly and efficiently between sick patients. Hospitals are filled with many important people — from medical staff... Continue Reading »
I have spent my life in the church, and, from about age 15 on, I was one of the dreaded “PKs.” That’s right, a preacher’s kid. Right up there with MKs (missionary kids) in our capacity for disruption, PKs... Continue Reading »
Many years ago, I was reading “In His Image,” a book by Dr. Paul Brand. Brand, some will recall, was a pioneering plastic surgeon doing incredible mission work in India, operating on those afflicted with Hansen’s disease, or leprosy.... Continue Reading »
One of the hardest things in medicine is watching as adult children have to contend with the decline of their parents. It is always a time of adjustment and struggle for all parties when recently healthy, independent parents become... Continue Reading »
It’s still winter, but spring is on its way. One day we’ll look back and see that COVID and all of the chaos of our world is in the rearview mirror. One day we’ll emerge from this darkness and... Continue Reading »
Physicians in general are a pretty intelligent group of professionals. However, we sometimes make the mistake of thinking that because we know a lot about one particular thing, we must also know a lot about almost everything. However, given... Continue Reading »
I have taken care of some very, very cold patients over the years. When I was a medical student, there was a man who accidentally bodysurfed a river — in winter, in northern West Virginia. There was one who... Continue Reading »
It doesn’t take a physician to say that these are difficult times, resulting in significant depression and anxiety. We have pandemic, social upheaval and political theater. And all of it transmitted to us 24/7/365 on cable and satellite. Worse,... Continue Reading »
One of the things I always told my sons as they grew into adulthood was to avoid fights. And the best way to avoid fights is generally to keep one’s mouth shut and not argue with angry people. It... Continue Reading »
Autumn is almost here. This means we’re on the edge of cold and flu season. However, this cold and flu season may be a little tricky thanks to COVID-19. (Oh, how tired I am of typing that!) The thing... Continue Reading »
I have physician friends around the country in hospitals large and small. Therefore I would like to say a few things to fellow Christians about COVID-19. Let me assure you that it isn’t a hoax. This is a very... Continue Reading »
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