Albert Allen

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President’s Perspective: A Preview of SCBC Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention is nearly here. The convention sessions have been meticulously planned by multiple people, with the expertise of our convention staff pulling it all together. We will emphasize international missions... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: An Enthusiastic Invitation

November is coming quickly, and along with it, the 2023 Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Our 2023 theme is “Let’s Go,” as we lean heavily into the Great Commission. Since our inception as a convention, in... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: ‘Let’s Go’ … to Thailand!

Thinking of going on a short-term mission project? It could go something like this: Our mission team convened in the First Baptist, Newberry, parking lot in the wee hours of a July Thursday. Six of us from our church,... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: That’s Why

As I write this, I am sitting in my office at 12:33 a.m. on Thursday, July 13, 2023. It’s a strange time to be typing an article for The Baptist Courier. Indeed, what a strange time to be awake.... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Holding Hands

Widespread understanding of the relationships between churches, associations, state/area conventions, and the Southern Baptist Convention used to be a given within our particular family of believers. In recent years, however, there has been an uptick in the use of... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: ‘Trust, But Verify’

The 2023 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in New Orleans is a few weeks away. If you are reading this, chances are high that the work and health of the convention are important to you. As you... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Cultivating a ‘Going’ Culture

For generations, South Carolina Baptists have generously supported international missions through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Unfortunately, however, some churches have tended to point to their giving as the best evidence of their commitment to... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Where Are You Indispensable?

In the summer of 2005, I was almost three years into my third full-time pastorate. “Climbing the ladder” wasn’t my thing, but this wonderful church was the largest I had served, based on nickels and noses, and was in... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Going There

She was born into a disadvantaged and poor ethnic minority in the rural interior of Asia. She was the apple of her hard-working father’s eye, and he saw to it that she received a college education and a master’s... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Let’s Leave!

Nobody was going to heaven from Thessalonica. It was a spiritual wasteland: no Jesus, no hope. Jesus had come into the world, done His amazing work, and returned to the Father; but the folks way over in Thessalonica were... Continue Reading »

President’s Perspective: Engaging Lostness Overseas

Part of the turf that goes with pastoring Southern Baptist churches is the annual tipping of the hat to international missions under the banner of Lottie Moon. At least that’s how I viewed it for many years: “It’s Lottie... Continue Reading »