Courier Publishing
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Two things in life are certain: death and taxes. But taxes continue and get worse every year Congress meets. They have almost simplified the tax form beyond human understanding. In April, millions of American have a long form and... Continue Reading »
One great thing about having 10 grandkids is that I am able to watch kids’ movies over and over. Another great thing about grandkids is taillights. There is a movie about talking cars called “Cars.” It involves the hotshot... Continue Reading »
Would you define a speaker or a preacher as someone who talks while people sleep? Do you relate to the story about a couple who went to see the doctor because the wife complained about her husband’s snoring? The... Continue Reading »
Dysfunction from generation to generation is usually fueled by family secrets. Our secrets can become our sickness. Some are trivial. I asked a friend why he was getting married. He told me that he was tired of holding in... Continue Reading »
Emotions are a gift from God. Jesus was glad when the little children were brought to Him. He was sad when He stood at the tomb of Lazarus. He was angry when He drove the moneychangers from the Temple.... Continue Reading »
It hit me the other day! Actually, I hit it. My caddy said to spank the ball down the middle. I shanked it to the left. We finally found it hidden in the rough, and I told the caddy... Continue Reading »
When a hunter in Kentucky had his cap shot right off the top of his head during deer season, he made a hunting suit from black and white awning cloth. The first time he wore it, he was shot!... Continue Reading »
I’m writing this as summer comes to a close. It has been a hot season in Texas. It has been so hot that the dogs are chasing the cats, but they are both walking. We are now in the... Continue Reading »
How do you sprint through life? Not with your mobile phone, but with your personality? Here’s how to spell sprint: Get Specific. Life is not lived in general. Life is lived very specifically. Decide exactly what you need to... Continue Reading »
Peter Drucker says that organizations start to die the day they focus on the insiders and not on the outsiders. That is not only true in the profit world; it is also true in the non-profit world. Change is... Continue Reading »
Recently I played an exclusive golf course that provided caddies. Normally, I prefer carts to caddies because carts cannot keep score, snicker, or laugh. I can explain my golf swing in baseball terms. It is a cross between a... Continue Reading »
The Bible teaches that we must continually renew our minds. Otherwise we drift in our thinking and eventually our living. We must be in a constant state of renewal. That usually involves getting away from our daily lives to... Continue Reading »
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