Wholly Healthy: Viewing Violence

One of the things I always told my sons as they grew into adulthood was to avoid fights. And the best way to avoid fights is generally to keep one’s mouth shut and not argue with angry people. It can be a tall order for a young male, full of life, health and testosterone, but […]

Wholly Healthy: Get Ready for Fall

Autumn is almost here. This means we’re on the edge of cold and flu season. However, this cold and flu season may be a little tricky thanks to COVID-19. (Oh, how tired I am of typing that!) The thing is, during cold and flu season, in a normal year, people tend to cough, have fever […]

Wholly Healthy: COVID Paranoia

I have physician friends around the country in hospitals large and small. Therefore I would like to say a few things to fellow Christians about COVID-19. Let me assure you that it isn’t a hoax. This is a very real virus that causes a very real disease. Since it first emerged, clinicians and researchers have […]

Wholly Healthy: Church Good for Your Health

Our church hasn’t met for about two months now. Many of yours haven’t either. While this has been controversial, I applaud those who have stayed home out of concern for the safety of their brothers and sisters and respect for civil authorities. Pastors and church leaders have undoubtedly struggled with these decisions, but I appreciate […]

Wholly Healthy: Be Careful, Be Healthy, Be Smart

There are two ideas in dynamic tension as we respond to the current coronavirus pandemic. The first is, we all need to try and avoid situations where we might catch it — that means avoiding unnecessary doctor and hospital visits. The second is, even though COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind and dominates our medical discussions, […]

Wholly Healthy: Experiencing Parent Guilt

The aging process is tough. Our bodies change, our abilities change, and our chance of illness and injury grows. When this happens, relationships with adult children also change. But it’s especially difficult when those adult children have to intervene in the lives of their increasingly infirm parents. Because we are flawed, fallen humans, we often […]

Wholly Healthy: Parents Often Worry

It’s the time of year when children are always sick. I’m not using hyperbole; small children have multiple episodes of upper respiratory illness every year. This is very frustrating, in part because there’s ultimately so little we can do to fix it. For the majority, which are viral, antibiotics are not useful. Fever is normal […]

Wholly Healthy: ‘Pawed’ Friend May Affect Health

By way of full confession, my family has five dogs. All of them are mixed breed critters who have already outlived their warranties, but they keep living happy dog lives. We also have two large cats who are vocal and social at mealtime, but otherwise generally prefer not to be touched. The point being: We […]